Wednesday, May 31, 2017

please stop

Haih today je dah berapa kali dah orang call tanya mana dia mana dia (if you know me, you literally will know who I'm talking about) I'm so tired. Seriously do, I'm so damn tired. Sometimes tu wonder juga bila la mereka semua ni nk stop calling?? Since dulu lagi sampai la sekarang still tak stop... Since dulu lagi dah bagitau yg kita ni taktau mana dia pergi, apa dia buat. In fact semua benda la taktau, mmg lost betul. I don't really mind they call tapi bila dah kata taktau tu nk desak desak. UGH!!! I don't even know where he is, mcm mana nk bagitau. Kalau tak sabar sangat, pergi la cari sendiri. At some point... rasa fed up sangat. I guess you guys will stop calling and asking me if you guys know how hard it was for me. Haih but still what can I do? I know I am not alone of having a hard time kind of thing, its just everyone has their own way of having and going through it and this is what I'm dealing right now. Maybe for you guys macam hal kecik je pick up call cakap taktau semua tu tapi seriously do since darjah 6 lagi sampai la now dah 20 dah. What do you guys think? Is it okay for you guys? Lama lama mesti fed up juga kan. Hm but at the end of the day, kita mampu sabar je la. Kalau dah orang nk call sangat, dia akan call juga :')