Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Hi. Hello. Woah, I did not realise how time pass through sampai la teringat tarikh result keluar. Haih I'm so scared whenever teringat pasal result. This 21st ni result keluar. OMG!!! 

This sem? Huh hardly-breathing.
To be honest, this sem susah sangat. I'm so afraid that I couldn't make it. Nak sangat dapat result best best tapi I didn't hope too much, nak dapat kan semua A for all subjects memang susah so I have to admit that if lulus je pun dah syukur dah alhamdulillah. As usual design gave me so much hard times, tak kisah la in what sem but when it comes to design memang scary. But alhamdulillah even design ni gave me so much hard times, but I made it sampai ke sem 4 with the hardships that I've been through. Bila design je tak pernah la tak nangis.

So, I always had this thoughts. Habis je diploma ni, is it worth it habiskan 3 years in architecture? I had my doubts, what if at the end of the day, this course was not meant for me? What if it's such a waste belajar 3 tahun but I have nothing to show? What if this? What if that? Ugh so much doubts... Selama hidup ni tak pernah terfikir pun nak ambil this course, I couldn't make it nak masuk first intake, so for the second intake I'll just give it a try apply as much as possible. So I did my research a bit about this course but research ala kadar je la. Back then, masa dapat course ni, still tak sure so I thought tukar je la since I'm not into architecture pun but peluang datang sekali, everyone asked me to give it a try because you will never know, so yeah terima dengan hati yg gelisah.

First sem was the toughest sem ever, dgn takda background apa apa yg berkaitan in architecture. First sem memang rasa nk give up rasa nk berhenti but I had this thoughts pula yg tak semua orang dapat masuk belajar, bila I had the chance kenapa nak sia sia kan. Time passes, dah boleh terima and I thought belajar je la sebab dah masuk dah pun, tak boleh nak buat apa sampai and sedar tak sedar dah sem 4 dah. Every day were tough. Menangis tak tinggal. I had so much hard times nak buat semua tu so bila lulus je I didn't doubts much. Terima dengan apa yg dah diusahakan.

But these doubts, what if it's not worth it at the end of the day? Setiap hari I wonder. Hm. Sometimes I just wish that I could fast forward time, just to see if it's all worth it in the end...

Hm always in my du'a that I pass to sem 6 tak kisah la what happen at the end of the day. Tak elok nak doubt kan? Everything have a reason. Have faith in Allah and just gonna do my best :') Doakan I pass all of the subjects, dapat pointer best best!
