Monday, April 9, 2018


Left my blog due to busy schedule. How am i? Hm alhamdulillah everything went well but the outcome i'm not really sure macam mana. Just tunggu and hope for the best je la.
So yeah end of semester 5! As usual, long and tough journey but for the past 2 years i can say that this year, semester 5 is one of my "stand out" kind of moment. I was elected to present in front of an architect. Overall there were 12 people including me and only 3 people will be selected for the final, unfortunately, i tak sampai to top 3 pun but untuk orang yg dah banyak suffer in this course i boleh cakap yg this is one of my biggest achievement ever. I do tried and gave my very best for this sem and friends yg banyak tolong thank you so much. And i learnt something juga through this sem, most of it banyak yg unexpected. Lepas satu, satu jadi. Tapi takpe la benda dah lepas ek...

Now cuti sem, tengah mencari tempat practical. Ingat nk yg senang-senang je kerja nya cause to be honest, architecture is not my thang pastu nk yg dekat-dekat je sbb nk minimal kan cost tapi yg dekat-dekat semua dah tak nak pakai orang. So i was thinking cam hantar je la resume kat a few tempat cause tak jamin boleh dapat pun kan if satu so try je la lagipun tak leh nk picky sangat takut tak dapat. For now, alhamdulillah dah jumpa 3 tapi idk man takutnya smh wish me luck! So that's it. I'll let you know later.