Friday, June 9, 2017

loosing interest

Do you ever feel like that you're kinda losing interest in something? As time goes, I am slowly loosing interest in love. I would like to try again but somehow its getting super awkward when you tryna start balik. At some point I thought that I'm good on my own. I shouldn't have thought it that way but thats what I thought tho sometimes. But I do not mean to blame sesiapa and nk labelling yg they are not good for someone's cuma that's just what I thought. Once tu terfikir juga mcm kalau ada ada la, kalau takda takda la tapi... sometimes tu rasa lain pula ;p tapi malas la nk kasitau rasa apa hihi but whatever it is takpa la kan never mind hidup ni kena teruskan no matter apa yg you rasa so yeah kita follow the flow je la.